Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Working with another engineer in the studio.

Well this can be one of two things from the start, amazing and the smoothest session ever or the worst project of your career. How do you deal with that asshole know it all that you have to spend 12hours a day with in close quarters when there are points of argument every few minutes?How can you deal with this without going insane and ripping your hair or their's out? Here are a few tips that can get you out out of a shitty situation with out losing your job.
First off, is he above you on the food chain? This important to take serious because when you are lower on the pole than them you really cant give to much input and really just have to do what they say. Remember you will be in their shoes one day. Really with this you can just block out what they are saying, or ignore them and just do what they say. the artist will see them being a douche and if they are a true person you will look good in their eyes for not blowing up.
Now, if the individual is on the same project with you and at the same level things get complicated. because here no one has power to over throw the other and most arguments happen between this group of individuals. Everyone needs to seem to want to compare "dick size" if you will, while in the studio with others. Now the trick is dealing with an ego trip like that and staying calm and collect in front of the client or artist. Two options, Punch them in the face or be a sneaky bastard and make them look like a fool. Well i hope you went with the second because if you can just sit back and really make them destroy their own image in front of the artist. Because the will try and try to set you off but after a while they will snap and just blow up or say something stupid. just let them burry themselves.
Thats a few ways you can deal with some studio workplace conflict. Remember though, every situation is different and just like you cant really EQ the same every time you can react and handle a situation the same every time. so good luck with the assholes guys!

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