Sunday, January 30, 2011

Do what you love

"and you wont work a day in your life"
This speech given by Gary Vaynerchuk and has passion that we all could take something from. This is really what personal branding is about. Its beyond money and if you can find what you love it will sell its self. You have to push what you love, thats what his message is, YOU are your strongest branding tool, you can be the driving force behind your projects and business. I think his message behind the thought of "if you for one second doubt your self and what your doing, get out". I think this is something that the music industry could take and run with. There are so many people that sit and complain about no avenues to sell their products. I say people because there are so few artists left in the world, Artist meaning that you play or sing because you love it not because of a thought that you will become rich and famous. There is so much crap and people who don't really believe in themselves and the industry. You have to make yourself known, spending most of your waking breaths supporting and pushing what your doing and in the music industry at a certain point all artists stop doing this and let others do it for them. This is what band fail and people forget about them in the end. It gets so far away from doing what you love that artists turn to drugs and alcohol to deal with all the craziness. If you truly love what your doing that is not acceptable and you will know that.

So get out there and change your life for the better. Its never to late and this is one of the most inspiring things you should take with you.

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